Sunday, January 25, 2009

Shhhh....everybody quiet. The fat guy's gonna say something.

Hello blog people.

Sorry it has been a week since my last post. I weighed in today and lost 3.5 lbs this week. That's 13.5 lbs total in 3 weeks. I've almost lost the weight equivalent of an Olsen twin. I'm pleased. Only 86.5 lbs to go.

OK, I'm reevaluating my blog frequency. After being pretty diligent on the daily posts for the first week, I dropped to once a week. My primary reason for that is that most days I am just flowing along eating less and better. I felt that if I didn't have anything real interesting or funny to say, why bother posting. I was really missing the point. The reason I started this blog is to be accountable to you all who are following a long on a DAILY basis. Most of all, I want to never lose sight of the importance of what I am doing, even for a day. I've got a wife and three children who expect me to live well into my 120s. Notwithstanding cryogenic head freezing, longevity will be probably only be a reality by eating right and exercising.

So my eating this week has been pretty good. Slim Fast, Cracklin' Oat Bran, turkey sammiches, lean meats, etc. have been the food choices. I still don't really feel like I'm on a diet. I don't feel very deprived. Yesterday I had a serious craving for chips so I ate some Baked Doritos. They were surprisingly tasty. The texture was kind of like eating an egg carton but the flavor was good. I had a night eating episode once this week (the first in two weeks). I ended up eating cinnamon Pop Tarts. Now I love Pop Tarts but they tasted gross and I didn't feel very good when I woke up the next morning. I filed that away for the next time I get hungry in the middle of the night.

I'm hoping that this week I will be able to start my exercise routine. Many people at work have been religious about exercising lately and it is paying dividends for them. I know it's key for me too. I just need to get it going. Wish me luck.

Fun fact to know and tell: Slim fast has 24 ingredients, most of which sound like names of characters in a Greek tragedy.

Narrator: Behold, Carrageenan and Acesufame approach.
Carageenan: Alas, Acesulfame, I have discovered that my wife is my mother, and also your sister.
Acesulfame: That sucks.


  1. 14 lbs in 3 weeks (lets round up)... nice.

  2. Very proud of your progress and your humor throught it all! The Greek tragedy at the end was a nice touch...

  3. hey bud...i wanted to say if i were in your shoes knowing that even just one person is following my blog would be enough impetus for me to keep going...i want you to know that even though i like to bust your balls (i know you can take it) i really do admire what youre doing. i am utterly amazed at yout discipline and results so far....keep going bro...ill be right there with ya...
