Wednesday, January 14, 2009

39 years young.

Ok...the clock officially starts ticking on the 1-year experiment. I'm starting off a little ahead. 92 lbs to go. 39 years old today.

Things have been going well. My wife baked some chocolate chips cookies yesterday. They were small so I ate six of them. Today is my birthday so I had a little piece of cake. Other than those two instances...things have been going well. Today it was Slimfast, ham and cheese with baked Lays and a Lean Cuisine on the menu.

I feel it's time to start exercising. My work has a decent facility and some training is available. I just need to figure out if it will be before or after work. Neither sounds cool but I need to get with it.

Nothing too humorus to say today except Ana Nicole Smith, Malcom X, and Martin Luther King Jr. all died when they were 39. That would be one way to lose weight.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday old man. I am reading your blog every morning, It's helping to make me feel the need to make some changes in my own eating, heath & weight.
    Keep with it, I'll be watching(reading).
