Sunday, February 1, 2009

One Month In the Can

You tell me, does the title sound like a salute to one month on this project or a TLC documentary on life in San Quentin?

I weighed in today and lost another 3 lbs this week bringing the grand total to 16.5 lbs. I have to say there is some frustration. I weighed yesterday morning and was down 4 lbs. I was really good on Saturday and even just ate a grilled chicken breast and steamed broccoli when I went to Chili's with friends. This is why you shouldn't weigh every day. A human being can hold from 1-3 lbs of extra water in a day just by eating a salty meal...which I'm sure is part of it. I drank a 32 oz diet Pepsi on the drive home last night to stay awake (since we were on the road from midnight to 2:15a to get home.) Damn it! I really wanted to do better. This would be a good time for any of you following along to chime in with some support. The tough part is that after 16.5 lbs lost, I am still heavier than at any time in my life before 2008. I'll be OK. At the end of this week, hopefully I'll be reporting on at least another 3 lbs lost.

Last night, my family went to Cincinnati to watch my nephew play hockey for Eastern Kentucky. Before that, we met up with my old friends from college (the Holdcrafts) and had dinner. That was cool. They have a very beautiful family. Rob and I marvelled at how 15 years after school our families gathering resulted in 10 people and two minivans. Who knew. Oh, and EKU won the game!

I would like to report that I found a small benefit to being obese last night. After a couple of hours in the hockey rink, my hands were freezing. Tucking them up under my stomach kept them nice and toasty. I offered the benefit to my sister-in-law who politely declined.

OK...deep breath. Pushing on. 83.5 lbs to go.

Thanks to all of you for reading and really helps me. Remember to tell your friends to come, it don't cost nuthin'.



  1. Hey Len - Don't get frustrated. You're doing great and I am proud of you and impressed with your willpower. To be able to sit across from my steak and fries last night and stick with your plan shows a lot of strength and commitment and I know you're going to make it. It was great hanging out with you, Amy and the kids last night and I am really glad we've reconnected over the last few years. Glad you got home safely last night and hope we can get together again soon.

  2. Keep up the strength, Len! 16.5 lbs is still amazing! Aren't you glad you started when you did? You're more than 10% on your way and you're already forming good habits that will make it easier to loose the rest. Big Hugs!!

  3. 3 pounds a week x 52 weeks = 156 pounds. Sounds like you ae running ahead of schedule, no?
