Sunday, March 8, 2009

I Lost How Much Weight This Week?

Starting Weight: 324.5 lbs
Weight Last Sunday: 294 lbs
Weight Today: 289 lbs
Weight Lost This Week: 5 lbs
Weight Lost to Date: 35.5 lbs
Weeks Completed: 9
Weeks to go: 43

OK, I'm a little befuddled. I had a 5 lb drop this week. I didn't starve myself and I didn't walk any more than usual (2 miles/day). Don't get me wrong, I'm happy. I'll shed this gelatinous nastiness anyway I can. I just wasn't prepared for this big a loss. That's really a lie. I weigh myself twice a day. I knew exactly what I as going to weigh today. That said, considering the extreme stress between work and mom's health, I really don't know how this happened.

This week I rediscovered Morning Star Farms veggie burgers and veggie chicken patties. They are very tasty. I'm not trying to be a vegetarian...but the veggie stuff is just a little healthier than a hamburger or a real breaded chicken patty. Morning Star also makes veggie buffalo wings. They are like chicken nuggets (no meat obviously) with buffalo spices. They are delish! They provide me with more variety and QUICK ways to eat.

Time for another episode of Today's Nasty Fat Side Effect". Today, we are going to discuss extreme belly button depth, scientifically referred to as Cavernous Umbilicus. Most folks have a belly button for which they can see the bottom just by looking in a mirror. When you get laaaaarge, the depth of said belly button increases. When you are major pork product, you end up with this wishing well type thing on your stomach. Besides the obvious negativity of having what amounts to a hole in the middle of your stomach, there are the issues with making sure it stays clean and free of belly button lint. This can be an issue when you have a normal belly button. When you have a fat-induced crater, it can be challenging. I remember losing one of my kids in my belly button for a week. It all worked out well because when she finally climbed out, she had my TV's remote control, a jelly bean, and many coins that were evidently tossed in by hopefuls whist offering up wishes. I exaggerate. I don't eat jelly beans.

Anyway, this was a good week. They all are really. Clothes are getting more loose and I'm feeling better than I have in years. I can't imagine what it will be like to be down below 250 some day (dare I say it, 200?). It's been a really long time.

Until next week, thanks to all of my beloved friends and family who spur me on with good recipes and positive quips. All are very appreciated.

Peace and love,



  1. you'll continue to lose weight at your current level of diet/exercise (and probably even a little less) because your metabolism is notched up a bit now from the exercise. it's finding its new equilibrium, so the weight should be falling off. in any case, i'm super proud of you. and i LOVE morning star buffalo wings, aren't they amazing? morning star stuff has no cholesterol and like 1/10th the fat of real meat...i love it! :)

  2. I have never tried Morningstar, but will do so after you and Liz speak so highly of it.

  3. kathy, mike likes them too, he says they're better than real chicken nuggets. that's high praise! :D
