Monday, June 8, 2009

Stuck in the mud

Starting Weight: 324.5 lbs
Weight Last Sunday: 268
Weight Today: 268 lbs
Weight Lost this week: 0 lbs
Weight Lost to Date: 56.5 lbs
Weeks Completed: 22
Weeks to go: 30

Sorry for not blogging on Sunday. My son and I hit the Indianapolis Air Show and I forgot.

After a week of eating pretty well and exercising, I lost exactly 0 lbs. This means my total May loss is 5 far the weakest showing since I started in Jan. I'm going to keep pushing on. I have 43.5 lbs to loose and 6.5 months to do it in. I'm trying to push myself with more exercise to kick start some losing.

I have cut out chips. I was eating Baked Lay's and pretzels. While low in fat, they are high in sodium and, I think, were monkeying with my blood sugar. For the first time ever I didn't eat a donut on National Donut Day. What a waste. Come to think of it, I haven't had a donut in about 6 months. I drove by Hot Box Pizza yesterday and ordered no breadsticks! That's got to count for something!

What's a fattie to do?

Anyway, I'm going to knuckle down this week and see if something good happens.

Stay tuned...



  1. hey, it's pretty common that when you start working out more rigorously (i know you started the jogging thing), you will plateau for a bit as your body re-metabolizes itself. keep on keepin on, you'll get there!

  2. you got this...stay strong, Len!
