Sunday, March 1, 2009

30 lbs of fat are gone

Starting Weight: 324.5 lbs
Weight Last Sunday: 297.5
Weight Today: 294
Weight Lost This Week: 3.5 lbs
Weight Lost to Date: 30.5 lbs
Weeks Completed: 8
Weeks to go: 44

What is up people? I'm not going to lie to you, this has been a crappy week. There's been the usual BS at work mixed with my mom in and out of the hospital coupled with Barack Obama announcing that he would like to destroy the industry that puts food on the table for my kids. I voted for him!! Woo woo! Ain't democracy grand.

I am happy the weight continues to come off. I must say it's not that hard to diet. I really enjoy walking and have increased it to 3 miles a day. I had hoped to lose 100 lbs on this experiment and, while that is still the goal, I'm hoping I can maybe get down to 200 lbs (124.5 lbs lost). We'll see.

Since I am in one foul mood I'm not sure what kind of humorous anecdote I can come up with this week. I think "This Week's Nasty Food Side Effect" will be that bane of my existence known as side meat. Side meat is the honey ham sized lumps bolted onto each side of my waste..slightly higher and to the back.

Side meat gets caught on chair handles, door jams, car spoilers, and more. Not all men have side meat. Some men gain all of their weight in the front of their stomachs. My side meat means that some clothes that were made for big people don't fit me. For example, when I finally find a t-shirt that fits around the side meat, it goes down to my knees and the shoulders end about half way down my arms. It's really cool when a t-shirt has a graphic on it...say like Bob Marley. His head actually hangs about even with my groin. Then the side meat kicks in. With the added stretch occurring where his face lands, it actually makes old Bob look like he's grinning. So I walk around with a Rastafarian joker lookin' guy hanging around my waste. If a Big Mac container had a picture of me in my Bob Marley shirt on it, there wouldn't be any fat people.

That's it for this week. I'm changing my blogging schedule yet again. I will have one scheduled blog on Sundays (weigh in day) and may blog mid-week if something cool happens.

Peace and humptiness to all.


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