Sunday, May 10, 2009

Starting Weight: 324.5 lbs
Weight Last Sunday: 271 lbs
Weight today: 270.5 lbs
Weight Lost This Week: .5 lbs
Weight Lost to Date: 54 lbs
Weeks Completed: 18
Weeks to go: 34

OK...for anyone who was around me this week, the fact that I didn't gain 5 lbs is a mother's day miracle. I did the movie thing, hit a bar with some co-workers, and then spent a day in a suite at the track where the beer, fried foods, and brownies were f-r-e-e. On top of that, I missed three days walking. I'm back in the swing of things though with 3.5 and 3 miles walked in the last two days.

Bottom line: I had a lot of fun this week and still didn't gain weight. This gives me hope for life after this project. It seems you can have fun AND maintain your weight.

So I saw the the new Star Trek at a sneak preview. Thanks to Mike T who always comes through with the hook up. It was a stellar flick...even if Nelson almost made us sit in the front row. The evening at RAM was cool. Kölsch is a tasty beer and light enough that I didn't feel like I was packing on the weight. It was tough resisting those delicious appetizers...but I did. The track was cool and the gang. That is the only way I will ever see a race at that track again (after 20 years in the "cheap" seats); however, no one is knocking my door down to hook me up for a suite on race day so I guess I'll settle for watching the replay on TV.

To all of you mothers, I say "Thanks for contributing to global overpopulation!" To all of you fathers, I say "Did you get a DNA test? That kid looks a lot like your neighbor."

I'm hoping for some 260's action next week. Wish me luck!

Peace and love.


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