Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2/23-2/24: Food and Exercise Log


Slimfast = 180
Ham sammich w/ Southwest sauce = 400
Baked Lays = 130
Cereal/fruit bar = 130
3 pints Guinness (210 X 3) = 630
8 thin Triscuits w/ slice of 2% cheese = 120
1 piece whole wheat bread = 70
1 glass low sugar apple juice = 60
TOTAL = 1,720
Exercise = None
Net Calories = 1,720

Total cereal w/ light soy milk= 280
Ham sammich w/mustard = 300
Baked lays = 130
Cereal/fruit bar = 130
Veggie chicken patty w/ 2% cheese and southwest sauce = 290
Baked BBQ Lays = 140
Cereal/fruit bar = 130
Total = 1,400
Exercise = -250 (30 minutes)
Net Calories = 1,150

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Get thee behind me 300.

Starting Weight: 324.5 lbs
Weight Last Sunday: 300.5
Weight Today: 297.5
Weight Lost This Week: 3 lbs
Weight Lost to Date: 27 lbs
Weeks Completed: 7
Weeks to go: 45

OK...297 is still way fat; however, it is below 300. Yay!

This week was pretty good. I did fall of the wagon a few times but the result was still on plan. It's been exceptionally hard since this is Girl Scout cookie time. I have about 100 cases of Girl Scout cookies in my dining room. They cat call me as I walk by. I feel so violated by their unsolicited overtures. When they get warm, you see writing inscribed on them:

"One cookie so tasty and small, One cookie to entice him, One cookie will make him fall, and in the fatness bind him."

It's sad but true. I do long for the cookies. They are precious to me.

Anyway...300 is in the rear view mirror. Exercise is a daily event now (1.6 miles in 28 minutes). I'm going to add another 1/2 mile sometime this week. I really dig the exercise thing. It's good "thinking"time and it's helping with my hunger and energy.

I'm going to start putting my food diary back on here on a daily basis. I may not have much to say beyond that on any given day but it will force me to keep tracking this stuff. I'll probably devote Sundays (after weighing in) to a longer story.

Rock on fat guy watchers and thanks for your support!

Peace and love,



Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Have Sinned!

OK...I blew it last night.

I ate some Hostess muffins, a Roslyn cookie, and some peanut butter...oh and a burnt lemon poppy seed muffin. No, I'm not pregnant...I just look that way. In any event, I must confess...I was weak! I inhaled (confections)! I lusted in my heart (for fat)!

I'm now whipping myself with a cat-o-nine-tails and chanting, "Forgive me fat voyeur nation!" Forgive me for the wanton undisciplined grazing that I gave into last night. Forgive me for every piece of deliciousness I shoved into my drooling mouth with both hands.

OK...that's over.

I'm back on the wagon and had a great day today. I'm still walking 1.6 miles in 28 minutes every day.

God save the queen.



Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lost: One Four Pound Lump of Fat

Starting Weight: 325 lbs
Weight Lost This Week: 4 lbs
Weight Lost to Date: 24 lbs
Weeks Completed: 6

OK...so I'm a big fan of exercise now. I walked 1.6 miles (in 30 mins) 5 days this week. I know that is the primary reason I lost 4 lbs instead of the usual 2 or 3. I feel much better. Here's the cool thing, I don't need as much sleep! I used to sleep for about 9 hours and wake up tired. On the weekend, I'd throw in another 2 hour nap each day. Now 8 hours does the trick.

My wife has a recipe for Roslyn Bakery "Smiley Face" cookies. For those of you not in Indy, these are cookies that used to be sold by the now-defunct Roslyn Bakery. They are the bomb. They amount to a thick sugar cookie that is just a bit solid (but cake-like in the middle) with a hardened sugar frosting on the outside. Why my wife chose to make like four dozen of them is beyond me. But I have abstained, yay verily!

I've also become a fan of Soy Milk (Light Vanilla) on my cereal. It adds some extra flavor without the extra calories.

Time for an episode of Today's Nasty Fat Side Effect". When you are uber fat, you start getting fat rolls on the back of your head. If you were bald, it would look like you had a package of hot dogs glued to your neck. This sucks for a variety of reasons. First, having a fat head is just sad. There isn't much natural fat on the human head. To get "rolls" of it, you have to be really trying. Also, it creates a nice crease (or creases) in your hair. That crease tells everyone that you would rather eat at Taco Bell than have a normal neck. I heard a comedian mention that some folks look like they have a CD rack on the back of their head. Maybe that's where my copy of Thriller is? Anywho, the good news is that when you start to lose weight, neck fat is the first to go.

Bottom line: Things are going well and I'm pleased. Soon, I hope to be reporting that I am under 300 lbs.

Peace and Love,



Thursday, February 12, 2009

What I've learned about ME losing weight so far...

OK, five and a half weeks and 21.5 pounds into this one year project I have learned a few things. Some of these are painfully obvious but I "get" them now. It will be interesting to see if this list stays the same as I progress further.

1. Weight loss is only about calories consumed vs calories burned.
No matter what anyone tells you to the contrary, this is matter of well-documented human anatomical FACT. It's true that certain calories burn faster than others and certain food makes you feel hungrier than others. In the end, it's always calories in vs calories out.

2. Never, ever, eat anything for which you cannot calculate the EXACT amount of calories.
I was eating about 500 calories a day more than I thought. I was really watching what I was eating but when I sat down and calculated things like my sub sandwich (mayo, cheese, special bread), I was really surprised at all the extra calories that were hidden. Since you have to burn 3,500 calories to lose a pound of weight, 500 hidden calories per day could cost you one pound a week. If you don't count the exact calories (rather than estimating what you "think" the calories are) then you are kidding yourself.

3. Whenever you eat, be disciplined about it.
If you are going to eat something bad, calculate how much, and then stick to that. Don't ever go hog wild. If you know you are going to be in a situation where you are going to fall off the wagon, figure out something realistic (four slices of pizza, five beers, 20 chips and dip, etc.) and then stick to it. You'll be off the wagon but it will be planned (disciplined). The same thing holds true when you are eating things low in calories. For example, if you want to snack on whole wheat crackers, don't sit down and graze until you feel full. That is not disciplined and reinforces "old" habits of eating what I want for as long as I want.

4. Plan a variety of meals
Monotony derails me on almost every diet. There are thousands of healthy recipes out there.

5. Don't get bored.
When I get bored, I head to my first level of "entertainment" which is eating. This is never a problem for me on week days but can be a problem on weekends when it is nasty out and I'm trapped in the house. As a result, I try to go into the weekend knowing how I am going to spend my time.

6. Keep things around you that conjure up the desperate feeling that started this whole project.
Before I started, I wrote down all of the things that suck about being fat. Some were funny, some were sad, some were down right scary. I review that list often. I also look at thin pictures of me every day.

7. Exercise, exercise, exercise.
Losing weight is a lot easier if you exercise. Aside from the faster weight loss, there are many other benefits. Before you start, talk to someone who knows about exercise and begin with a REALISTIC plan. Don't overdue it and hurt yourself but, at the same time, you need to push yourself.

8. Keep it simple
Every planned diet I have ever been on (LA Weight Loss, Atkins, South Beach, Optifast, etc.) always came with a level of complexity. I needed to find a simple way of monitoring what I eat. The more complicated I make it, the more likely I will mess up, and then give up.

9. Last but not least, have a lot of support on tap.
This blog has proven to be a good instrument to keep my family and friends in the loop on my project. The comments and e-mails I receive keep me going. It also makes me feel like I am accountable to a group of folks. Humans weren't meant to go through challenges alone. This is a group effort and I appreciate you all.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Pardon me, but have you seen 3 lbs of triesters of glycerol and fatty acids? I seem to have lost mine.

Weigh in day has arrived. The total shedding this week is 3 lbs. That brings the total to 19.5 lbs in 5 weeks. After doing some research, it seems I have lost the equivalent of a small car tire, a Karaoke machine, or a decent sized game tuna. My knees and hips are grateful, I'm sure.

I had an interesting thing happen to me last night. My daughter and I were watching Apollo 13 when she looked at me and asked me, "Daddy, what's a stud?" Caught off guard, I came up with "a horse that has retired and will just make babies for the rest of his life." Realizing how "Animal Planet" that all sounded, I then explained that some girls might refer to a cute boy as a stud. My daughter responded with, "Daddy, you're a stud!" Needless to say, that sounded OK to me. To all of the girls in Jr and Sr high who doubted my studdliness, I say "Get...you...some!" Better late than never.

I would like to thank Hye Kyong Nicholson and Rita Blay for supplying me with some recipes last week. Rita sent tasty-sounding recipes for Meatloaf and Taco Soup. Hye Kyong sent a tasty-sounding recipe for roasted asparagus. I say tasty-sounding because I haven't been able to try any of them yet. My diet is in a rut and I want to bust out these recipes ASAP.

I exercised for the first time this week. All hail, all rise. I walked a mile and a half yesterday. It felt good. My friend Stephanie said I need to "get addicted" to walking. I told her I thought it would be cool to become as addicted to walking as I am to biscuits and gravy. I took our little dog Gizmo out for his first walk. He had a big time, though he came back soaked and muddy. If he could have talked, I'll bet he would have explained his good time like this:

"It was so cool! There were these three mounds of canine feces that I investigated along the way. From the urine trails I picked up, there are at least a dozen other dogs that have hung out along our route...I think one has a bladder infection. I was able to put faces with some of the barks I've been hearing. They were all friendly except for these two Labs that kept shouting "Lab power! Lab power!". They seemed to want to eat me. In the end, it was a blast. The big guy with me was a red-faced, stinky mess towards the end, but I hope we get to do it again soon."

I was enlightened a little this week. I broke down the calories in the turkey sub that I usually get in our cafe' during the workweek. The pepper jack cheese, southwestern mayo, and garlic Parmesan bread adds 300 calories to the sub...basically doubling it. The downside is the cheese and mayo add the spiciness I love. Maybe I'll just have them add banana peppers and jalapenos.

All in all, my little one year experiment is off to a good start. I have a long way to go, but not as long as I had 5 weeks ago.

Peace and love.



Thursday, February 5, 2009

"What a beautiful and enormous abdomen you have Mr. Smith!"

This has never been said to me...not even in jest.

Sorry it has been awhile since I have blogged. This week has been REALLY SLOW! You see, I want to be thin NOW and while I have lost weight, I still weigh roughly the same as 7 1/2 bags of Morton Rock Salt!

Anyway, it's a marathon, not a sprint, right?
Slow and steady wins the race...
A stitch in time saves nine. WTF?

I need some healthy recipes. I'm getting very bored with my food choices.

One of my goals this summer is to fit into a roller coaster seat again. My boy is old enough (more importantly tall enough) to ride and I want to get to it. That leads to today's nasty fat side effect:

About 5 years ago (and 25 lbs below my current weight) I went to Kings Island with a friend. It was a day at the end of the season that was not announced on the Website. As a result, my friend and I were 2 of about 500 people in the whole park...seriously.

The first roller coaster we went to ride was "Son of Beast". I should have known things were going to go badly when the seventeen year-old, pimple-ridden, roller coaster technician had to put his back into it to get the restraint closed over me. The restraint effectively cut me in half. As the roller coaster took off, the gaggle of King's Islanders were smiling at the bisected fat guy speeding off to his doom. As the roller coaster went up the main hill, I informed my buddy that I would in fact being dying soon and would he mind terribly not mentioning to the coroner how the Kings Island kid had to use his knee to get the cross bar down over me.

We flew through the jerky terror of a ride that would have hurt a man half my size. All I know is that I am sure my kidneys were bruised. I know they were bruised because they were pinned up in my chest when the bar went down and they kept smacking me in the face throughout the ride.

By the time the ride ended, I was in serious pain--not James Khan in "Misery" pain--more like Joe Pesci in "Home Alone" pain. To top it off, the exit strategy was even better than getting buckled in. To open the bar, you have to push down first. Down just happened to be another half inch into my small intestines. I took it all like a man, which is to say I cussed like a sailor.

Internal injuries be damned! I limped away and went through this exercise another 12 or so times throughout the day. Man, thin can't come quick enough.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

One Month In the Can

You tell me, does the title sound like a salute to one month on this project or a TLC documentary on life in San Quentin?

I weighed in today and lost another 3 lbs this week bringing the grand total to 16.5 lbs. I have to say there is some frustration. I weighed yesterday morning and was down 4 lbs. I was really good on Saturday and even just ate a grilled chicken breast and steamed broccoli when I went to Chili's with friends. This is why you shouldn't weigh every day. A human being can hold from 1-3 lbs of extra water in a day just by eating a salty meal...which I'm sure is part of it. I drank a 32 oz diet Pepsi on the drive home last night to stay awake (since we were on the road from midnight to 2:15a to get home.) Damn it! I really wanted to do better. This would be a good time for any of you following along to chime in with some support. The tough part is that after 16.5 lbs lost, I am still heavier than at any time in my life before 2008. I'll be OK. At the end of this week, hopefully I'll be reporting on at least another 3 lbs lost.

Last night, my family went to Cincinnati to watch my nephew play hockey for Eastern Kentucky. Before that, we met up with my old friends from college (the Holdcrafts) and had dinner. That was cool. They have a very beautiful family. Rob and I marvelled at how 15 years after school our families gathering resulted in 10 people and two minivans. Who knew. Oh, and EKU won the game!

I would like to report that I found a small benefit to being obese last night. After a couple of hours in the hockey rink, my hands were freezing. Tucking them up under my stomach kept them nice and toasty. I offered the benefit to my sister-in-law who politely declined.

OK...deep breath. Pushing on. 83.5 lbs to go.

Thanks to all of you for reading and commenting...it really helps me. Remember to tell your friends to come, it don't cost nuthin'.

